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Align your business with geospatial thinking...


Utilities &

Public Works

A range of management products enables organizations to visualize assets across departmental silos, empowering positive outcomes for customers and business partners. Office - field- Office, our GIS based platform is designed to solve many day to day operations.

Energy Mangement

A complete MicroGrid solution, powered by EIS and intelligent asset network on a GIS platform. Our platform enables seamless collection, monitoring and energy management  of entire Microgrid network.



Whether managing a crisis situation or updating officers on day-to-day operations, our platform brings essential data from multiple platforms and the community to aid in decision-making, planning, and resolution of situations for improved outcomes.


Established in 2012, SMARTGEOTECH offers specialized products designed for smart city and utility asset management systems. These solutions are tailored to meet the needs of local governments and cities, enabling them to manage and operate their assets more efficiently. Our products not only enhance productivity and transparency but also simplify usage for their customers, ensuring an optimal blend of efficiency and ease of access. Our range of management products enables organizations to visualize assets across departmental silos, empowering positive outcomes for customers and business partners.



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